watched "i am love" last night - a movie by luca guadagnino starring tilda swinton. i cannot say i liked the movie 100%... especially as in its second half it seems to spiral out of control, but some details about it are simply outstanding.
the film tells the story of a rich milanese family, the recchi's - and starts off by showing their extremely privileged life. it does so mainly by capturing in all its splendor their amazing villa, its interiors, its solemn architecture, its gardens, its impeccable bathrooms and stairs, its very dedicated maids and waiters, a certain aura of austerity that is palpable even in the light entering through the windows. there is nothing in the interiors that leaves room for disappointment - all the colours, pieces of furniture, frames, carpets, dinner plates seem to match and project this flawless picture of aesthetic perfection. the same can be said of the actual clothes and accessories worn by the statuary members of the recchi's family - who both in posture, style and physique seem the ultimate definition of aristocratic elegance.
the main core of all this careful, painstaking work of visual and aesthetic symphony is the family's mother, mrs. emma recchi - played by tilda swinton. she is the main focus of the story and she will eventually also become the epicentre of the entire crumbling crisis that will engulf everything and everyone, down in a spiral of unchecked tragedy.
i love tilda swinton and find her mesmerising. in this movie even more so. rarely i have seen such poise and elegance in one single character - and i believe there would be no movie at all without her, her elfin looks, her sashaying around in unbelievably stunning dresses. there is something utterly cold and hardly human in her features, her skin, the lean silhouette of her ethereal, long body...and yet every single gesture she makes conveys so much meaning and in such a powerful way - a bit like a work of art when you admire it in a dimly lit art gallery. mesmerising.
so, i guess the movie is worth watching just because of her! yet - having said that... i will also add this is the very first time i see milan (especially in the opening, with all the snow) under a different light...
milan is usually a city that on screen can appear even more soul-less than what it already is in reality. however - in the images carefully created by guadagnino you can discover a touch of magic to the city that is rather unprecedented.
finally, there is also a very strong and erotically obsessive twist to the story - which gets out of control and drags everything into disaster. must admit that, however, even if sex is not missing (euphemism) -- the most sensuous image of emma recchi finding pleasure is seen in a restaurant (food is a major element - from both a visual and narrative point of view) where she is having lunch and slowly savouring every morsel of a... shrimp. the utter, delirious joy she does this with is somehow too sexy for words - and a telling prelude of how her character will in the end lose herself in her absolute Love for life.
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