my students were in the mood for compliments and one of them said: "my friend and i think you look like...liz taylor..." -
to which i did not know where to look.
to me, the name liz taylor conjures up a series of images that are, say, kind of far from flattering. some of them include: alcohol, triple chin, poodle with fuzzy white fur matching fuzzy and over the top hairdo, dodgy friendship with michael jackson etc etc.
so, well... i must have looked not 100% chuffed when i heard that one.
noticing my puzzlement - he added "you know liz taylor? from lord of the rings movie??" with the rest of the class nodding vigorously.
it was then clear they were actually talking about liv tyler and not liz taylor.
yet - i still do not know which of the two comparisons is more far fetched.
got home and measured my temperature realising my fever was up at 38.8 degrees.
hence - liz taylor was definitely more the case!
fever aside, i keep on finding the local perception of beauty and looks quite fascinatingly... different.
more then once i have heard the term "fat as an english man" used to describe someone. and that certainly is a blatant result of the exposure to the not-so-classy crowd that arrives here every summer - booked on an all-inclusive booze fuelled holiday courtesy of easy jet.
another funny thing is how people here always look much older than their real age. i have met a good number of 20something that could easily pass for 40something.
especially men.
this goes hand in hand with the perception of age most people - including younger generations have.
when i try to explain that people back home marry later in life and have babies when they are 35 or older - the reaction is always appalled to say the least.
"no, nooo teacher...not possible!" they laugh - thinking i am joking or something.
when i confirm - they protest "no, noooo... teacher...but this very... veeeery baaaaad".
that's why - i have a feeling they actually did mean liz taylor and not liv tyler...!
great (subliminal) message!
long day ahead for feverish old bag a.k.a. myself!
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