so, as the topic "are women and men equal?" was a real hit with my wednesday class - i tried to use it again, with an interesting outcome.
one of the students came out with a delirious theory on why women in mediterranean countries are "inferior" to men.
"it is because of the weather. we have warm weather.
instead...people in the north... the weather always cold...very cold there... so the men are cold... the women are cold too... everyone is cold... and the women are stronger... they are like men".
good old claude levi strauss was listening from his grave, i think!
as i was taking in my student's infos - i thought back at my university years. in our linguistic anthropology book - the chapters i enjoyed best were the ones quoting eccentric scientists who had conducted tests on the effects of different climates on the phonetics and pronounciation in different languages. some experts basically claimed people enduring cold weather kept their mouth less open to let in less freezing air.
needless to say i loved reading about these experiments and bizarre theories.
problem is that...
going home from my class i started to conduct some mental equations on the effect of different climates on myself.
my reasoning kind of started from phonetics and then it sort of derailed...
dilemma number 1 -
had my cellulite increased since moving from singapore (equator) to izmir, turkey (southern mediterranean)?
dilemma number 2 -
yet - why had my skin been so bad in auckland, new zealand?
objection number 1 -
still - i had experienced less circles under my eyes when we were in holland.
dilemma number 3 -
and what about my hair?
(etc etc)
well, i guess everyone prioritises in very different ways.
and lots of kisses to mr. claude!
one of the students came out with a delirious theory on why women in mediterranean countries are "inferior" to men.
"it is because of the weather. we have warm weather.
instead...people in the north... the weather always cold...very cold there... so the men are cold... the women are cold too... everyone is cold... and the women are stronger... they are like men".
good old claude levi strauss was listening from his grave, i think!
as i was taking in my student's infos - i thought back at my university years. in our linguistic anthropology book - the chapters i enjoyed best were the ones quoting eccentric scientists who had conducted tests on the effects of different climates on the phonetics and pronounciation in different languages. some experts basically claimed people enduring cold weather kept their mouth less open to let in less freezing air.
needless to say i loved reading about these experiments and bizarre theories.
problem is that...
going home from my class i started to conduct some mental equations on the effect of different climates on myself.
my reasoning kind of started from phonetics and then it sort of derailed...
dilemma number 1 -
had my cellulite increased since moving from singapore (equator) to izmir, turkey (southern mediterranean)?
dilemma number 2 -
yet - why had my skin been so bad in auckland, new zealand?
objection number 1 -
still - i had experienced less circles under my eyes when we were in holland.
dilemma number 3 -
and what about my hair?
(etc etc)
well, i guess everyone prioritises in very different ways.
and lots of kisses to mr. claude!
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