still chilly and windy here - but with the brightest sun shining.
i have come to the conclusion that you can tell with a fair amount of precision that nicer weather is coming when you see the wives of the american soldiers posted here parading towards starbucks wearing jeans and flip flops on their bare feet.
it works better that any weather forecast!
today our housekeeper asked me if she could borrow a dvd from us and she picked "hamam" by ferzan ozpetek.
"is it nice?" she asked, with hopeful eyes.
which prompted a perfect example of how neanderthalian my turkish is.
knowing she is very religious and easily shocked - i tried to explain (a) the gay element in the movie; (b) that she was going to find amusing the part in which the rather stern and stiff italian wife visits istanbul and hates the lavish breakfast she is offered.
so i said... "movie nice - but - very gay...because - ozpetek very gay. italian man - from rome - go - istanbul...comedy part - breakfast - italian wife - (voice imitation) - breakfast turkey - too much food".
she gave a confused smile and took the dvd despite the "very gay" warning.
not to mention my scary butchering of the turkish language.
today, as we were strolling by the sea, nico said "look, i catch the wind with my mouth" while parting his lips as far as he could.
i think it was graham greene that explained...
"nothing really happens after one's first twelve years"
how pefectly true.
how inevitably beautiful.
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