- istanbul is too crowded and not a nice place to live;
- sleep is my main occupation in my spare time as i lead a very tiring life;
- life in turkey is very stressful - unbearably so;
- izmir is the best city ever. it is modern and free and there is the sea here;
- i love my country and am proud of it;
- the education system we have is unfair and terrible;
- money buys you respect in turkey;
- policemen in turkey are lazy. and corrupted;
- i am very close to my siblings and love my parents;
- jealousy is a the biggest sign of true love;
- i hate politics and i do not know much about it. but i hate our prime minister;
- our prime minister wants us to be like iran;
- i love fast food - especially burger king;
- i love starbucks;
- i love shopping malls;
- turks born in germany are not like us and are embarassing;
- european countries hate us and think turkey is like iran;
- my father's best friend lives in germany (/switzerland) and will fix a summer job for me;
- turkey's biggest problems come from america
in addition - i would also say that 10 students out of 10 tend to:
- overuse the adjective "normal" ("my week was normal...my birthday was normal...my job is normal...my holiday was normal...my boyfriend's presents are normal..." etc)
- overuse the verb "to love" ("teacher we love you... i love my friend...i love my mother... i love my boss")
- have zero interest for their political situation and seem to have a scattered knowledge about their own political parties;
- have zero knowledge about international organisations and seem oblivious to the existence (and reason for existence) of institutions like: the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Health Organisation, the European Commission, the World Intellectual Property Organisation, the United Nations Development Programme, etc;
- have a very vague knowledge of contemporary history outside of Turkish borders and seem to associate each and every country to (maximum) one historical figure. i.e.
France -> Napoleon; Germany -> Hitler; England -> the Queen; America -> Lady Gaga; Italy -> Berlusconi. - become speechless when introduced to concepts like: recycling; fair trade; sustainability; vegetarianism; organic products; green policies; sustainability;
- struggle majorly (and eventually give up) when confronted with notions like: gender studies; equal opportunities; parental leave for fathers; political correctness; welfare system; minority rights; international understanding; social tensions.
- look ill at ease and stern when homosexuality is brought about;
- refuse to discuss anything involving: the cyprus issue; kurds and armenians;
- appear to have an innate tendency to mocking other races and making childish jokes about them;
- melt when you say anything about -- grandparents or children;
- look lost when you explain different people in different countries have different ideas about their privacy and their private space ("why?" they ask - as they are used to a rather exuberant interpretation of privacy and etiquette).
- bring their breakfast to class (if it is early in the morning) -- usually a sesame bagel with a huge chunk of cheese.
- bring tangerines for everybody to share (if it late in the evening) and place two or three where the teacher usually sits.
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