it' s sunday again -
i have overdosed on caffeine again -
but today was "present day".
my intermediate class bought me a bracelet to protect me against the evil eye;
and this morning one of my students passed me a bag during one of our breaks - inside there was a book in a red wrapper.
i could not help but smile while reading the dedication:
i could not help but smile while reading the dedication:
"remember me while you are reading... your student, kadir (i hope my gramar is ok)"
the book is "the forty rules of love" by elif shafak.
"too many presents! you spoil me" i jokingly chided all of them - to which they looked at me with deadly serious faces and explained
"it is because we love you...we LOVE you veEEEry much" -
and i somehow could not get round explaining that, should they ever (eventually) end up going to england or the u.s. they are to kind of tame their exuberant use of the sentence "i love you". they are a tad too keen on employing it...
(quite often scaring the crap out of me, i must add...)
(quite often scaring the crap out of me, i must add...)
then after lunch i had only one student attending my conversation hour and we kind of forgot about grammar and vocabulary tips and spoke about music - comparing notes on "never win" by fischerspooner (a personal absolute favourite) + leonard cohen, morcheeba, chopin's nocturnes, air, trip hop, trance and electronic music and his passion for pink martini songs.
on his way out he said "teacher i am sooooooooo sorry my english is not very good.........
............but i am veeeeeery happy you like fischerspooner's music!".
............but i am veeeeeery happy you like fischerspooner's music!".
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