had my first haircut in turkey today. i had not had a haircut in seven months and was starting to look like Cousin It of the Addams family - so i reckoned it was high time i had a chop.
a lady from my school swore her "kuafor" was an absolute talent - so i asked her to accompany me for some (much needed) translation backing up.
the kuafor did a great job - and in about 15 minutes, without asking many questions, he finished my cut. as he was working - his wife and 10 months old son were playing behind us.
on my way out and very happy with the final result i was in shock when the kuafor asked for 15 turkish liras for his service. 15 turkish liras! 7.50 euros? i could not believe it.
i tried to explain that he would be a millionaire and a total king if he worked in europe, say, in london - or anywhere else, really.
"how much would i get for the same thing there?" he questioned me.
"perhaps 120 turkish liras...easily" i explained.
he did not look impressed - just kind of amused.
then he smiled and turned to his wife - "hey, we are moving to london... now, baby" he announced.
she looked up, half surprised and half confused.
and then picked up her son from the floor, as he had fallen on my wet hair bits, scattered all over the floor around the armchair i had just left.
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